Private birdwatching tours are available with advanced reservations. Although we can never guarantee what you will spot on our birdwatching tour, you can be sure it will be a memorable experience.

What might you see:

Around the lodge the most common species include Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Tropical Kingbird, Bushy-crested Jay, Band-backed and House wrens, Clay-colored Robin, Yellow-winged Tanager and Melodious Blackbird.
While hiking the forest trails, Three- wattled Bellbird, White-breasted Wood-Wren and Slate-colored Solitaire dominate the dawn chorus. Look (and listen) for chattering mixed-species flocks led by Golden-crowned Warbler and Red- crowned Ant-Tanager, and at higher elevations, Mountain Elaenia and Common Bush-Tanager. Flocks of North American migrants occur in winter, both in the forest and at flowering trees around the farm, especially Wood Thrush, Black-throated Green and Wilson’s warblers and Baltimore Oriole.
Some of the specialties of Selva Negra that take a little more effort include Highland Guan, White-faced Quail-Dove, Green-breasted Mountain-Gem, Long-tailed Manakin, White- eared Ground-Sparrow and the Resplendent Quetzal.